1. How are you different now than when you started school in August?
I am a lot more outgoing in school and my writing skills have increased. I know different rules to writing that I never knew before. Also, in Socratic seminars I've been speaking a lot more than I usually ever had. I feel confident about raising my hand and asking questions as well. All of these things that are different now than what they used to be are good differences/changes, so I'm very happy to say that I'm improving a lot in High Tech High Media Arts.
2. What skills do you think are the most important for succeeding in Humanities? Why?
I believe that paying attention and making a dedication to the class are very important skills someone would need in humanities and in all of the other classes. These might not seem like skills, but they to do me. This is because you have to decide whether or not you want to pay attention or not. If someone were to choose to pay attention and listen to the class, they have to learn to not doze off and keep all attention on the teacher and not on other distractions. Same applies with dedicating yourself to the class. I dedicate myself to the class by paying attention, also by putting in every effort I can to do well and succeed in school. At points I want to slack off and do other fun activities, but then I have to remember my dedication to learning at school. These 2 skills will help you with every other skill you might need to do well in a humanities class. Those skills might be either recognizing FANBOYS, or using descriptive writing in your writing, but you can only do so if you focus in class and put all of your effort to do well.
3. One thing I would like to improve on this semester is....I am going to do this by....
Public speaking. I stutter and squint when I try to say something. I also have trouble getting my point across to the audience. I try to explain what I am thinking, but most people look at me confused or don't get what I am trying to tell them. I want to try to get my words out correctly and catch the attention of them while I speak. I'm going to improve on this by participating in Socratic seminars and reading aloud the Word of the Day, my WEX writings or other reading material in class.
I would really like to study Shakespeare and his form of writing. Last year in 8th grade, we had to translate one of his sonnets into modern day language. It was one of the most difficult assignments I've ever done. My teacher had to help me through the entire sonnet. I would like to know more about his writing styles and why he chose to write like he did. I want to know his key messages in his poems or plays and how to decode his complicated writing.