Wednesday, March 18, 2009

10 Ideas that are Changing the World Right Now

- Explain what ecological intelligence is.

Ecological intelligence is determining whether something is "green" or environmentally friendly.  This includes thinking about how the product is made or whether its truly recyclable.  Ecological intelligence thinks outside of the box when it's faced with that little recycle sign or the big bold "go green" logo.

- How does this article connect to our project’s Essential Questions? 
For the first question, it's why aren't people living sustainably?

Well, this article fully proves a reason why we are not living more sustainable.  In article #10 of "10 ideas changing the world right now"  people are buying shirts that say "Made of 100% Organic Cotton".  Little do people know that there is a huge story behind it.  It states that the T-shirt could be dipped in industrial chemicals and it takes a lot of energy to create that shirt (such as using many gallons of water to grow the cotton)  How can we live sustainably if people are lying to us?!  Also, to add from our schools campaign about the Starbucks cups, it says its made of more recyclable material, but it still can't be recycled!  First of all, we should we waste material that can be recycled to make an object that we can't even recycle.  

For the second question, how can we convince them to do so?

We need to embarrass the public.  Especially the ones who don't know that there are huge lies behind what and what can't be recycled.  We need to let people know that just because we have clothes that say "Go green!" doesn't mean that they are truly environmentally friendly.  To convince people to live sustainably, this article can be used to release the information about what Ecological Intelligence is.  If people obtain Ecological Intelligence, more people would bring their own cups to Starbucks, meaning Starbucks would lose usage of their cups and would resort to getting fully recyclable material for their cups.

- How high is your ecological intelligence? Give an example of ecological intelligence in your life.

My ecological intelligence isn't very high.  To be honest, I usually do not scan cups or products to see if its recyclable.  In fact, I barely know what I can and cannot recycle.  But, ever since the sustainability project, I have.  I have been looking at every detail on cups, paper bags, plastic and much more.  It's not enough though.  I still get confused on what to recycle and I'm constantly asking people if its recyclable.  Also, I don't usually buy clothes that say 100% organic cotton or anything like that.  I just go out and buy whatever fits.  It's confusing to determine what steps I can take to live sustainably if companies are lying to us.

Monday, March 16, 2009

Data Analysis

What struck you about the data?

From our online survey, it struck me that someone said that Solar Panels are not allowed where he/she lived. It made me wonder why though. Since using renewable energy is something that we are encouraged to use today, why aren't these people aloud to use them in their homes?
Also, Anapaula and I went to the High Tech High Sierra Club on Thursday and interviewed some of it's members. I was surprised by their ideas and opinions of solar panels. For example, we interviewed two 9th grade students (Paloma Fernandez and Emma Jensen) and asked them the question "Would you buy solar panels if the government could help pay for them" they answered that the government shouldn't be wasting money and they suggested maybe a Non-Governmental Organization should help people pay for the solar panels.

Were you surprised by any of the results? How so?

Yes, I was surprised that people didn't know what solar panels were or how they worked. I honestly thought that the word of solar panels and other renewable sources has been very well spread among the states, and especially to our youth. So when I saw a majority of our results from our online survey saying they didn't know what they were, I was appalled.

What were your expectations? Were these met or not?

I was expecting to get a wide range of answers as to why people didn't have solar panels and what were their opinions of them. I also added a question that said "Do you think we should change our lifestyle to live sustainably" I mainly received the answer "Yes" but I also got a No and a "What does sustainable mean". From that, I think I can conclude that other people outside of our class took my survey. I also got many other reasons as to why people weren't using solar energy besides that they were being lazy or that they were expensive. For example, people thought that there might be a catch if we received financial aid from the government to pay for solar panels, plus what I stated earlier, that solar panels are not aloud where they live.

Based on your findings, what type of ad campaign will you run? Will you being to educate people? Encourage or coerce people? Embarrass people? What is your angle?

I definitely want to encourage people to resort to solar energy! But, I would also like to at the same time educate and slightly embarrass them. Our goal is to mainly educate people in an interesting way that will encourage and open their eyes to our options to improve our world and what a benefit it is to have solar energy.

Monday, March 9, 2009


For Humanities, as a part of the L.U.L.S project (Let’s Use Less Stuff) we are focusing on a specific way to live more sustainable. My group chose to research solar energy. To get information for our research, I created a survey that will gathers peoples opinions of solar energy.

Click Here to take the Survey

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Blog Post Assignment 3/5/09

sustainable home Pictures, Images and Photos

What strikes you about their movie?

What strikes me about this movie was their huge dramatic change. I couldn't believe that they made such a huge change to their backyard. Their home went from nothing but dry dirt, to a complete green home! When I saw all the flowers, fruit and plants I noticed the complete beauty of their home. We live in such a beautiful world, but we are letting it fall into dry ugly place when its so easy to make a change.

What do you think the Dervaes’ family Needs vs. Wants sheet would look like? Why?

I think that what they have is mainly wants. They want to have a green garden and organic food to live. They also want to have solar panels and to use appliances that don't need much energy to use. Such as their blender that works by spinning a lever. But compared to our wants, their total cost will be a lot cheaper. Besides paying for the solar panels, the cost for food will be immensely cheaper. Not to mention, they would be incredibly healthy from the organic foods they are eating. So to repeat what I said earlier, its their choice to live like they do so that falls under wants, but their wants will be a lot lower price.

How does the Dervaes family fit into what we are studying in My Ishmael?

In "My Ishmael", Ishmael is constantly lecturing Julie about life and what has happened. He talks about agriculture, locking away food along with how people think our way of living is the only way and the right way. The Dervaes show that they can live sustainably differently than most people. How many people have almost every square inch of their property as a garden/farm. Not many at all. They give a perfect example that we can live differently and still be sustainable.

Overall, what are your thoughts on the way this family lives and works?

I absolutely loved the video. They inspired me to make my own garden and make my own food. I really want to grow an apple tree and grow peppers in my backyard. I have a very good experience will store bought and freshly organic foods. Every year in October, I go and work at Calico Ranch in Wynola (where Julian is). Calico Ranch is an apple orchard that doesn't spray their apples with pesticides or other chemicals to make the apples grow bigger. Infact, their apples are actually really small (except for the Ida Reds which are a naturally large apple) The tastes of the apples from the orchard compared to apples from your local grocerey stores are as different as love and hate (or a fork and soup, haha) The organic apples have so much flavor and are simply heavenly. The store apples are disgusting and bland, I can barely bare to eat them anymore. So I totally agree with the Dervaes growing their own food. Its healthier and tastes A LOT better. Not to mention its cheaper and you don't have to worry about eating digusting pesticides and chemicals. They are definetly following the right path for a better life.

Do you want to live like the Dervaes? Check out this site to find out more about what they did and the steps you can take to turn your dry, itchy and not so attractive grass into a place where you can pick ripe and fresh tomatoes from everyday:

Sunday, March 1, 2009

Blog Post Assignment 2/27/09

Fairness Pictures, Images and Photos

1.On page 82 Ishmael talks about ‘anthropomorphism.’ Look up the definition of this term and post it in your blog, then describe what he is applying it to in the chapter.
According to


An`thro*po*mor"phism\, n. [Gr. ? of human form; ? man + ? form.]1. The representation of the Deity, or of a polytheistic deity, under a human form, or with human attributes and affections. 2. The ascription of human characteristics to things not human.

On page 82, Ishmael is referring to claiming territory. His message is that animals are becoming similar to humans, (meaning protecting their territory at any cost. Humans will fight for their territory at all costs, even when they know that they lost the war for their land. People usually fight for dignity and honor. As for animals, they do fight for territory, but usually not till death. I believe that a lion would give up a fight if everything is gone or his life is on the border of death.

  1. In this chapter Ishmael leads us through the evolution of the Awks on planet Calliope. They start out as Awks and then some evolve into Bawks and then a few evolve into Cawks. These Cawks live in tribes and have a cultural heritage. They practice the strategy of ‘Erratic Retaliation’.

    1. How does Ishmael define ‘Erratic Retaliation’? How does it work in the case of the Cawks?
Erratic Retaliation is fighting when it is right, but giving up when its time to retreat. Its saying to be smart about what you do to make sure that everything is fair. Its also similar to if they do something to you, you have the right to do something back. Its like a fair revenge. For the tribes in the Cawks, they practice Erratic Retaliation because it makes everything seem fair. For example: If someone steals a basket of lemons from your tribe, you can steal a basket of apples from their tribe. It's in a way respectful to get fair revenge, especially since the other tribe will see it coming

b.Why is Erratic Retaliation a peacekeeping method?
Erratic Retaliation is peaceful and keeps peace among the tribes because they see it as something fair. If you think about it, we mainly get angry at something when something isn't fair. For example: You did more work than someone in your group, but they get all the credit or the better grade. That would make somone angry. To prevent that, Erratic Retaliation makes sure that if someone takes something from you, you have the right to take something back. So it's like saying that you are "getting even" and you can't argue if you are even
    1. Why don’t the Cawks just annihilate each other (instead of just doing the occasional attacks?
They don't annihilate eachother because they want to be equivelent among eachother. Occasional attacks are not a big thing if you know that you will return them back. It would keep you aware of the possibilties of an attack, but they wouldn't have to stress to much of it being anything like our wars we have today. And another reason, why would they want to annihilate eachother? Whats the point of whiping out a civilization or tribe. What does it help you gain? The Cawk tribes obviously not greedy.