Before you read this, you must know my computer has a word filter. I used the words
a lot in this story and It wont show up because they are violent words and the stupid filter doesn't like them.
So please, if you see parts that don't make sence, like its missing a word, try to fill in the blank. Im really sorry!
A Dream to Fight For.
Getting away, I must run away, he thought
His feet crushed the ground at every rushing step he took
My great escape, he thought
The young boy, Jasper, a farm boy, abused by all that is powerful, the hair of the family
Running away for freedom,
running for the life he dearly yearns for.
The ground was wet and slippery as his feet stumbled on the earth,
One of his feet violently slipped from the ground,
his eyes meeting the uneven ground.
A snapping noise ran through his ears,
and his eyes snapped shut immediately.
As soon as his eyes closed completely,
He thought that he wouldn't wake up,
Either he would be out for a while,
or forever
But, it was different than anything Jasper ever expected.
He woke up instantly,
expecting a long roar of pain in his head,
On the contrary, there was absolutely no pain at all
His heart felt new, his body wasn't trembling anymore.
Not only did his body feel entirely different than expected,
so was his surrounding.
A beautiful forest covered everything in sight,
The air was overwhelming.
It was soft and fresh,
but before he opened his eyes to this lively place,
the air was torrid and the land was horrible .
Jasper adapted to his new surroundings,
looking for new clues as to where he was.
He heard a faint noise coming toward him,
light footsteps and giggling.
As the noise became louder, he then saw a woman frolicking,
She gracefully dodged the trees, and came to a steady stop when she saw him
She had long brown hair down to her knees, but it flowed naturally in the wind.
“Jasper..” she whispered.
“How do you know my name? Jasper asked.
“This is your world. You are the creator of all of this.”
“Is this like my imagination in a way?”
“Yes, Only, its a bit more real than you think.”
“Come with me, I will explain. We need you” she said in a steady tone
She grabbed his hand and guided him through the binding forest.
The forest seemed to go on forever,
but they finally met the end of it
He gasped from what he saw, nothing like this has ever been brought before his eyes
It was different than any castle hes ever seen,
it was made from the roots of the trees and the clouds in the sky
The sun beamed down on it, making it glisten.
“My name is Violet.” she told Jasper
“This place is amazing, but what is it that you need me for?”
Her face became dark and fear filled her expression
“Darkness is overwhelming this place.
This darkness is your , which will destroy everything and turn it into nothingness.
That's why we need you. This is your land, your mind, your life
Only you can defeat the darkness, but we can barely help you.”
“How do I defeat it?” Jasper asked demanding “This is my life, so tell me!”
“Light. You must show light in your heart and force it onto the darkness.
Right now you are filled with hatred and your heart is hallow.
You want to be free,
You want to be a leader, and rule your own life
That is the dream you truly yearn for.
Let that dream come forth, and forget the hatred toward those who ruled you.”
Jasper tried to forget
He wanted to let go, and be free
But to forgive was harder than he thought.
He saw the darkness over the land as he felt hatred
His eyes opened widely to the destruction of loathing
Jasper turned his gaze toward the castle,
And the darkness was coming toward it
He knew time was limited, since came so quickly.
Jasper then lunged toward the castle, taking off in a great sprint for his life.
It reminded him of when he ran away,
But this time, his heart was bright
He had forgotten his , to save Violets life, and the others of this land.
He had to save his own life.
He came to the castle, and fronted the guards
Their eyes widened as they saw him and immediately let him through
The inside of the castle made his body glow,
And his heart beat in peace
Jasper thought of his dream, to be free
And he felt he had achieved it as he entered his own castle
The Darkness was at the top of the castle,
It was filled with Jaspers hatred and sins
He thought to himself if the darkness was stronger than his light,
But then he remembered his dream, the dream he ran for
The dream he earned.
His thoughts filled with the castle, the forest, everything wonderful in life
His hatred for the ones who were an abomination to his life were forgiven
The Light covered him, and it grew
He constantly thought of saving Violet, his dream, and his life
Which made the light grow stronger
The light of his heart turned into a sun greater than life,
And the chthonic Darkness was immolated by the Light(pwnd).
The Light suffused the land, a sun that would never go down
He then felt sadness as he stared at his castle
Now he would wake up, and continue running for a dream he achieved in his own dream
The young Violet came to him and thanked him
“Violet, is it possible that I can I can stay here, and not wake up?” Jasper asked desperately
“You want to stay in a dream forever?” she questioned
“This isn't a dream. Its MY Dream that helped me achieve what I always yearned for.”
“You can wake up whenever you want, and you can sleep for as long as you please
you can always come here whenever you want. But now its time for you to go,
Go fulfill your dream when you are awake.”
Jasper nodded his head,
He closed his eyes and when they opened,
He was on the floor where he fell.
Jasper went back to the farm, and slept for as long as he could
This time, he ruled himself,
He no longer payed attention to the harsh rules and abuse the hair sent on him.
Instead, he slept, ruling his own world.