I LOOOOVVEEE Music. Actually, I can't fall asleep without it. There are some songs I have to listen to or else I can't sleep (Ex. Higurashi No Naku Koro Ni, Whispers In the Dark, River Flows in You [this one majorly!!!])
So, I posted a playlist of SOME of my favorite songs at the bottom of my blog.
Ok, not only do I adore the music that I listen to, I like to see what other music people listen to.
So, since comments make me sooooo happy! Maybe you guys can post a comment here and tell me your favorite band! Honestly, a lot of the friends I made were from music tastes.
Coolio. And feel free to comment about my music likes, or to ask me what other bands I like.
(I decided to post this blog because I am in a very deep convo about music with my friend right now) hahahah.
First of all, your image is broken :P
I rarely listen to music, but when I do, I'm a bit like you. Most the songs I have heard are foreign, but they make great stuff. I like the song "Yasashii Ryote", meaning "Gentle Hands" in japanese.
I'm wondering about one of the songs you listen to, "Higurashi No Naku Koro Ni". It means "When They Cry" or more accuratly "Cicada's Tears". I'm wondering if its related to the Higurashi novel series, clarify that for me please.
Andy makes an excellent point about foreign music, as opposed to local music foreign music often seems to have much more emotion, and whereas I must disagree with his enthusiasm for foreign music.
I too had a period of time when I thought that foreign music was truly the best, but then I discovered American music. To make music of a country you must capture the countries soul, and so out of the melting pot of countries and cultures sprang jazz. Jazz, when you truly understand it, is the most beautiful and emotionally powerful music there is. In true Jazz a musician pours out his soul into his music and paint a portrait so vivid that you can practically see the violent strokes mixing in with the quieter but no less driving colors. But I digress. Your attitude towards music is truly inspirational, and the desire to learn about others tastes in music truly wonderful. May your mind never cease it's hunger for the new and unexplored genres of all things.
Jazz is great and all but the real music is in rock and alternitive for example let me name a few bands um let me get out my colection ^^ we got AFI for the dieing emo we got Foo Fighters for the rocker um...Disturbed for the disturbed lol....and my fav band TOOL woot!!!!! all of these bands have in commen a great gitar solo...mabe its my love of gitars or the talent it takes to master a gitar but rock and alternitive music rule above all
That's crazy. I can't listen to music when I'm going to sleep. In fact, it's hard for me to listen to music at all when I have to concentrate. I find myself focusing on the lyrics, and then not being able to focus on anything else. Weird how people are different like that.
OMG i love music 2!!! but anywaysss i was looking at you playlist and like half of them i had NEVER heard of but the other half are like ALL of my fave songs!!!! i was like WOW and then the rest of the stuff is also amazing to i mean even tho i couldn't understand half of what they were saying it was still like good music =))))
>_> Sooooooooooo. Awesome moosic =D
if there were a collection of songs that I heard but could never find. This would be it.
Hurray for having the shortest comment ^(^_^)^
River Flows in You by Yiruma? I LOVE THAT SONG!!! its so pretty and relaxing! oh yeah have u heard of that book Morning Sun Stephanie Meyer might write?
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