2008's race for President will surely go down in history. The first woman to run for President, Hilary Clinton. The first African American to run, Barack Obama and much more. This has truly been a very exciting year. But now it comes down to republican John McCain and democrat Barack Obama. Both candidates I believe have good ideas BUT! I believe John McCain would be a better President at this time rather than Obama. He might state good ideas for what they want to do for America, but can we trust them? Obama and McCain have had "Flip-Flops" but Obamas flips strike me more than McCains. What if he were to do a major Flip Flop of his ideas as president? That would surely disappoint the United States citizens considering we voted for that him to be President for what he planned to do to help us.
I remembered back to one of the debates between Hilary Clinton and Barack Obama, he bad mouths her about getting defensive about people attacking her during the debates. In this link, it says that Hilary used her gender as a cover for protection as quoted "she was pummeled in a debate with six male candidates". Barack says "So it doesn't make sense for her, after having run that way for eight months, the first time that people start challenging her point of view, that suddenly she backs off and says: 'Don't pick on me' "
In Obamas blueprint of change, on page 51, it says: "Barack has a long record of standing up for women."
Yes, it may be true that Hilary shouldn't have gotten so defensive about people picking on her and using her gender as a reason why, but, what if those 6 people WERE really picking on her because she was a woman. If Obama was truly supportive of womens rights and standing up for them, shouldn't he have stood up for Hilary?
Obama does indeed like change. Even changing his own view points! In this blog post it gives us a list of Obamas "Flip-Flops" (it states articles where he/she got the information from). One of them that struck me the most was 6th one titled "Running for President or Vice President of the United States" which said:
On the January 22nd edition of “Meet the Press,” Tim Russert and Obama had the following exchange:Russert: “When we talked back in November of ‘04 after your election, I said, ‘There’s been enormous speculation about your political future. Will you serve your six-year term as United States senator from Illinois?’”Obama: “I will serve out my full six-year term. You know, Tim, if you get asked enough, sooner or later you get weary and you start looking for new ways of saying things. But my thinking has not changed.”Russert: “So you will not run for president or vice president in 2008?” Obama: “I will not.”
Wow, Obama broke his promise as Senator. Would he break his promises in his plans for change?
It also bugs me about the amount of effort they are putting into there plans and debates.
For Obama, I see a downfall for his written plan. He doesn't describe enough about HOW hes going to change.
Again referring back to his blueprint of change, he doesn't give enough ways how hes going to change things in the US. For example, on page 52 for "Work with Mexico", Obama only gives us 1 sentence about how hes going to work with Mexico. It says: Obama believes we need to more to promote economic development in Mexico to decrease illegal immigration. After I read that, I let out a very disappointed sigh. One sentence? Anyone can write one sentence about how to work with Mexico. Actually, I bet most people can write 5 sentences! Immigration from Mexico is becoming a big debate in the United States and we need more than just a one sentence way of how the president will help change it. What I see missing in many parts of Obamas plan for change is how hes going to change it. Now, this doesn't apply for all of Obamas plans, but just a lot of them. I still believe that Obama is a good and intelligent man, but he needs to put more thought and effort into what he wants to change, who's going to be involved, when is it going to happen and much more.
This is another scary thing about Obama. In this link, Senator Barack wants to invade Pakistan and hunt down terrorist. Well, we are already in war with Iraq, why would we want to start a possible conflict with Pakistan especially in the condition we are in. This is why I want McCain as president. McCain has seen the horrors of war and he has major military experiences. Obama has NONE. You can't understand war until you see it yourself and Obama has not viewed war. The President of the United States is the Commander and Chief. If we want to get out of war soon and avoid wars, we need McCain who understands war and will only use war in the future as an extreme last resort. But now that we are in war, we do need to make sure that Iraq can govern itself and if we leave right now it will be dangerous because a civil war could break out in the middle east. We need to settle peace with them. (See McCains plan for Victory in Iraq here)
Here is my final issue I will explain about Obama's policies. He wants to lower taxes for the lower class and give higher taxes to the rich class. Yah! Sure it might sound nice and dandy, but its communism. If the lower class has less taxes, they would have more money and become part of the middle class. If the rich have higher taxes, they will obviously lose money and go to the middle class. Wow. Everyone will be middle class! What does that sound like? Communism. Also, if the rich work hard, why should they be charged more for taxes. That just seems unfair. Instead, McCain wants to just keep taxes low. (See his plan for taxes here)
I agree about the taxes.
I don't know who the above poster is, and I'm not going to ask. Time for my comment on the blog ¬_¬
It's really informative. I like it. It iterates a lot of facts during this campaign.
Rock the Vote ¬_¬
I agree that John mcCain should be the next president.
I'm glad you're using links to show your sources. Make sure you look at independent, 3rd party sources. Both Obama AND McCain will try to persuade you that their tax plan is better.
Go to google and type in 'compare obama and mccain tax plans.'
Independent studies (not affiliated with either campain) show that Obama will cut taxes for anyone in America making less than $250,000 a year. If that's not keeping 'taxes low', I don't know what is.
"Obama does indeed like change. Even changing his own view points!"
i am for Obama but i like your point
I totally agree with you! taylor!
You bring up some good points and you use great evidence from the texts.:-)
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