Thursday, September 25, 2008

Literary Device of the Week: Similes, Metaphors and Clichés

Haha. This blog post is going to be amazing. Cheesy Similes, Metaphors, and Cliches. That can't be to hard, since I am a cheesy person :P

It's hard to describe myself, but according to my friends, I'm as cuddly as a panda bear. (simile) I try my best to make people happy, because if they are not happy, then I'm not either. So technically, I'm a piece of candy, sweet all the way to the core. (metaphor). I also work extremely hard so you can say I'm a busy bee. (cliche)

I am also very loyal, and according to a lot of my friends, I'm like a clock, because they can always count on me. A lot people say that they can tell how I'm feeling from my eyes. My eyes are like a mood ring, they reflect the colors of my emotions. My body is very strange, but I'm very proud of it. Apparently, I'm a contortionist and its awesome! My arms are rubber. You can pretty much move them anywhere you want and they will go!

(I would like to give a big thanks to my friends for this post. Your opinions of me really payed off!)


William said...

very nice post, well written and very fun, XD

Ms. Charlotte said...

Ooh, the color addition was a great touch. I'm using you as an example! Thanks for the thought you put into the post.