Halloween Cake Balls
Like Charlotte, I am a big visual person. I cannot stand reading recipes for how to make something without a picture. I'm very glad that I was introduced to the Pioneer Woman today because hey instructions and recipes are amazing! I took a look at her cakes, and I was saying "awwwww!" after looking at her cute little Halloween Cake Balls. I like how she shows us what cake mix she uses so if people will know which brand to buy. But what really stood out to me were the quality of the pictures. They were nicely focused and at perfect angles. I can literally see the tiny little cake specks on the side of the bowl on on the icing. Though the presentation of the food is important, the quality and the focus of the pictures are very important to make it stand out.
What I also enjoyed was the humor she uses in her instructions. For example, one of the steps said "Then gently (I’m gonna be saying “gently” a lot today, so please don’t be hatin’) lift the cake ball out of the candy with a fork." That made me laugh.
Rhubarb Sorbet
The next website I checked out was Simply Recipes. What I liked about simply recipes, is not only do they provide the ingredients and the methods to make the food, but it provides background knowledge of what you are making. The person who posted the Rhubarb Sorbet Recipe talked about what drew him to the Rhubarb. While reading the post, I couldn't help but to think of our class. He used a lot of descriptive detail and focus. Here is a line from the recipe that stood out to me: "The flavor, so sour when raw that its pucker-inducing taste is only appreciated by a select few, is coerced into something floral and fruity when cooked."
I loved the pictures and humor in Pioneer woman, and I love the focus and detail from Simply Recipes. Now I'm hungry...
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