Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Wex Entry #1- Spring Break

In the bright brown smooth hill of the Gorge Zoo in Adelaide Australia, was a magnificent kangaroo petting and feeding area. I slowly entered the area, each foot talking very careful steps to ensure that I wouldn't scare them. A white object lay ed there soaking in the sun. If I didn't know any better, I could have sworn it was a desert polar bear. It stood out beyond the rest, its plain white coat was almost as amusing as staring at a rainbow. It's eyes glanced toward me and start to rise, still keeping it's reddish eyes on me. The glowing red eyes would have looked demonic if they were placed on any other creature, but I just made this kangaroo look innocent. Then the funny thought of talking a picture of it popped in my head. Would it still have the red eye effect if I took a picture of it?
I could tell that the Kangaroo didn't want to be touched unless it got something in return. I pulled out some pasty white bread and threw it gently toward the roo. It took quiet big hops to the piece of bread. It's awkward shaped paw scooped up the bread and nibbled at it. Once it was done with it, the kangaroo hopped over toward to for more.
This time I reached down slowly to pet the ruffled fur of the kangaroo. Once my hand made contact with it, the roo drew itself away. I sighed an pulled out another piece of bread and held it up. It stood up tall, put its paw's on my stomach for support, and then reached it's head toward the bread.

Dear people who didn't believe me or thought it was a goat,
This PROVES that there are white kangaroos! They are super cool, and there are also white wallabies too!

1 comment:

Brandy said...

This story was really interesting. And it was really good because it was very descriptive of what the kangaroo looked like. Like its red "demonic eyes". It was also interesting because I've never heard of a white kangaroo.